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Soft Management: How to Boost Employee Productivity with Zecurion Staff Control Module

Trend on remote or part-time work not only allowed employees to make their work-life balance healthier, but also introduced better hiring opportunities for organizations. Nowadays, the only limitation you have while looking for a suitable employee is the software & hardware equipment. But the brighter the future business outcome looks, the more it relies on efficiency of your staff from all over the world. 

What factors influence employee productivity

Employee productivity is the degree to which expected results are efficiently achieved through existing corporate inputs in a given amount of time. Workforce productivity increases overall profits, improves customer relations, creates a better corporate culture. There are three factors, defining individual efficiency: personal wellbeing and motivation, optimized processes and advance technologies in place. 

First, according to Maslow’s pyramid, several basic needs have to be quenched to get a person motivated to work on self-actualization. 

Second, if processes are not optimized, well-performed tasks might take longer time, as individual’s perfectionism might stay in a way to progress. 

Last, but not least, technologies are key. They will not only help organize processes, but empower people, allowing them to focus on tasks only they can perform, with no need to manage operations easily solved by software.

How to measure employee productivity with Zecurion Staff Control Module

Employee time tracking. Zecurion Staff Control collects data on the work activity of employees. Reports show the time of arrival and departure, analysis of the productive and unproductive time.

Assessment and control of personnel efficiency. The module monitors the usage of social networks and applications and the total time of working with them.

Investigation of incidents. The reporting module allows you to create and study reports with any detail and in different forms. Tables and lists, strip reports, charts, heat maps, etc., to identify potential behavior deviations at an early stage.

What can productivity analytics help you achieve

Detect unbalanced workloads. Some employees take extra hours, work on weekends, access corporate network / resources during holidays. This might be a red flag, as they may be both: internal threat for your business or simply overworking themselves. The second may lead to loss of productivity in perspective.

Highlight employees with burnout risks. Pay attention if an employee spends hours on job seeking sites or communicates with your competitors. You may want to review your corporate culture, rewards, or motivation.

Make sure technology is helping. Any technology at work should not destruct or cause accidental sensitive data loss. Social media, external data transfer, or entertainment resources should be limited or blocked on corporate devices.

View complete picture. Review overall trends to avoid micromanagement.

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