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Zecurion Introduces a New Version of its Award-Winning DLP Suite

Zecurion, a leading provider of protection from insider threats, announced today the release of Zecurion DLP 10 with the capabilities of WhatsApp and Telegram messengers control, emotional profiling of users and web-camera recording.

Messengers are widely used in the enterprise environment, and it is vital for the security team to control them in order to provide relevant protection from insider threats. The new version adds WhatsApp and Telegram to the list of controlled messengers. Both web and desktop messengers’ clients are supported. The system is able to analyze messages and files against DLP policies and record audio calls similarly to other supported messengers.

Another new feature is the emotional profiling of users. This significant addition to the UBA module evaluates employees’ emotions using eight basic behavioral reactions and helps security officer to bring out high-risk groups. The system creates the emotional dynamics report for each user with an easy-to-understand diagram. The new feature provides more information about employees, appraises the team’s spirit and helps to reveal disloyal team members.

Zecurion DLP 10 amplifies internal security and forensic investigations feature pack with web camera recording capability. The system captures webcam images with the preset period, e.g. once per second, and saves it to the archive. With such photos, it is possible to track an employee’s physical presence at his or her computer and provide additional legal evidence in case of an investigation or trial. Among Zecurion DLP 10 innovations are also native SIEM API integration, support of TITUS data classification tags, file flow reports, user notifications, more granular and flexible access management for security officers and other features that make Zecurion product a perfect fit for any organization looking for an internal security solution.

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