Control access to web resources and protect against mixed threats with
Zecurion Secure Web Gateway
- Easy installation
- No need to interrupt the employees’ work
- No need to install agents
- Platform-independent solution
- Native integration with Zecurion DLP
- Integration through ICAP
Neither affects the network performance nor slows down existing processes
Bandwidth of up to 10 Gbit/s
Designed for enterprise network load
Web sites caching
Enterprise-level performance and rich functionality
- Operates in networks with up to 200K workstations
- Prevents attacks with the built-in IDS/IPS module
- Supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP over HTTP and other protocols
- Native integration with DLP
- Integration with any other software through ICAP
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The most accurate and up-to-date content filtering database
Sites are categorized manually by a person rather than by a robot
Daily database updates
More than 100 resource categories
Fast categorization of new and unknown web sites
Policies with per-user granularity
Over 5 million URLs in the database
They use Zecurion
A single solution for monitoring the entire corporate threat landscape. Try Zecurion SWG together with Zecurion DLP!
Preventing damage from both ill-intentioned and inadvertent violators
Preventing accidental information losses
Compliance with regulatory requirements (GDPR, etc.)
Protecting against advanced persistent threats (APT)
Unified management console and security policies
Detailed per-user reports